When it comes to financial well-being, most people immediately think about creating a financial plan, saving up for their retirement, and being able to enjoy their golden years after the hustle is over.
What they don’t realize is that without physical well-being, those golden years might be overshadowed by a number of health problems, throwing a wrench in your plans for years to come. What if you treat your health as an asset?
In this episode, Jeremy Houser is joined by Stevyn Guinnip, the founder, and CEO of Grow Wellthy™. Through speaking to many advisors who have been in the business for more than 20 years, including her father, Stevyn unveils the similarities between financial and physical wellness and her approach to helping advisors and investors grow wellthy so that they can retire wellthy.
Stevyn discusses:
- Her connection to the financial world
- What motivated her to build Grow Wellthy™
- The parallels between financial and physical wellness
- Tips and tricks advisors can follow to live a healthy lifestyle
- Ways health is a silent partner in our retirement plan
- And more!